International Conference on Smart and Sustainable cities

First International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Cities – ICSSC 2022

The First International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Cities (ICSSC) aims to bring together researches and students working in different domains in the field of smart cities, to exchange their expertise and to discuss the perspectives of all the components that make up a smart city. 

ICSSC 2022  will be held virtually and in person at the Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina located in Bogotá D.C., Colombia, September 7th and 8th, 2022. It is organized by the Red Rumbo and the Smart Cities Group. Registration and certification of attendees and authors in both modalities have no cost.

Register for the conference here

Date: September 7th and 8th

Venue of the event: Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina: Cra. 14 A No. 70 A 34 – Auditorio Pablo Oliveros Marmolejo.


  • Emerging technologies for smart cities. 
  • Sustainability in smart cities. 
  • Management and measurement in smart cities. 
  • Education and inclusion in smart cities. 


September 7th

  • Conference setup. 
  • International master conference. 
  • National master conference.
  • Posters by topics. 
  • Workshops.

September 8th

  • International master conference. 
  • National master conference. 
  • Posters by topics. 
  • Workshops.

Call for posters

The First Conference on Smart and Sustainable Cities aims to bring together researchers and practitioners related to Smart and Sustainable cities. Submitted posters should be related to one or more of the main topics proposed for the conference: 

Emerging technologies for smart cities:

  • Blockchain. 
  • Data Science. 
  • Artificial Intelligence. 
  • Internet of things. 
  • Industry 4.0 towards smart cities. 
  • Augmented reality. 
  • I-health.


Sustainability in smart cities: 

  • Renewable energies for smart cities. 
  • Climate actions and/or climate change adaptation for smart cities. 
  • Sustainable tourism. 
  • Sustainable circular economy for smart cities.  
  • Water Resource Management. 
  • Health information for decision making.  
  • Sustainable management of ecosystems.  
  • Responsible consumption and production. 
  • Urban planning.   


Management and measurement of smart cities: 

  • Management models for smart cities. 
  • Measurement models for smart cities. 
  • Maturity models of smart cities and territories. 
  • Evaluation models for smart cities. 
  • Legal responsibilities in smart cities. 
  • Privacy and security in smart cities. 
  • Dimensions of smart cities and territories. 
  • Smart city labs. 


Education and inclusion in smart cities: 

  • Education for the 4RI. 
  • STEM Education. 
  • Technology and differential approach. 
  • EDTECH ecosystem. 
  • 21st century competitions. 
  • Virtual education. 
  • skilling y reskilling. 
  • Augmented reality as pedagogical mediation. 

Submission Guidelines

Poster Presentation 

All submissions must use the template that is available on the event website to make the poster. Will be received posters in english and spanish, download the template according to the language of choice.  

Download here the template in English.

Download here the template in spanish.

Please note the following: 

– Include full names, institution and emails. 

– Specify which one of the following topics your poster belongs to: 

  • Emerging technologies for smart cities. 
  • Sustainability in smart cities. 
  • Management and measurement of smart cities. 
  • Education and inclusion in smart cities. 

– Use Arial as your font of choice to ensure visibility and legibility. 

– Write the text clearly and neatly. Avoid being long (maximum 800 words). 

– Include the following items: title, authors, introduction, objectives, materials and methods, results (if any), conclusions, references, acknowledgments, and other possible sections. 

– It is essential to include contributions to sustainability based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) addressed in the project in order of relevance. Will not be considered posters that do not include this information. 

– According to the theme of the conference, specific contributions to smart cities should be included in the poster. 

 Submission Process 

To submit or upload a poster please go to Easychair.  All posters must be submitted in PDF.

Authors of accepted posters will be publish on ONTARE journal from the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad Ean.  

By journal regulations, publications must be in the form of short papers and can be submit in english or spanish. Please visit the following page to know the guidelines of the papers:  

Review Process 

All submissions will be reviewed by at least two experts. In addition, all submissions will be screened by Turnitin. Posters with coincidence rate over 25% will be rejected without revision. 


  • All accepted posters should be presented by an author, who must be registered. Virtual presentations will be available. 
  • Authors of accepted papers cannot be changed. 

Presentation Guidelines

Accepted posters will be presented during the conference. Author are required to prepare a presentation of THREE minutes, followed by ONE minute for Q & A. Presentation instructions are sent to authors of accepted posters in the corresponding acceptance notification.


At least one author of each accepted poster must register to ensure its inclusion in the conference proceedings. Each registration will allow the publication and presentation of just one poster.  

Registration instructions are sent to authors of accepted posters in the corresponding acceptance notification. 


All questions about submissions should be emailed to   

Important dates

  • Posters Submission: August 22nd, 2022
  • Posters Notification: August 26th, 2022
  • Camera Ready: August 30th, 2022
  • Authors Registration: August 30th, 2022
  • Events date: September 7th and 8th. 2022

Program Commitee

Emerging Technologies for Smart Cities Committee

  • César Orlando Díaz, Ph.D. (OCOX S.A.S.) 
  • Alejandra Baena, Ph.D. (Universidad Antonio Nariño) 
  • Carlos Alberto Díaz (Corporación Universitaria del Meta – UNIMETA) 
  • Carlos Mora (Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales para el Distrito Capital, Unidad Administrativa Especial de Catastro Distrital- IDECA) 
  • Hugo Martinez, Ph.D. (Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia) 
  • Marcelo Herrera, Ph.D. (Universidad de San Buenaventura) 
  • Sergio Díaz, Ph.D. (Universidad Antonio Nariño) 


 Sustainability in Smart Cities Committee 

  • Luis Cobo, Ph.D. (Universidad Ean) 
  • Álvaro Ávila, Ph.D. (Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales) 
  • María Clara Sánchez (Red Rumbo) 


Management and Measurement in Smart Cities Committee 

  • Jheimer Julián Sepúlveda López, Ph.D.(Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia) 
  • Manuel Dávila (Parque Científico de Innovación Social – Corporación Universitaria del Minuto de Dios) 
  • Omar Rey Omar Rey Ph.D. (Escuela Superior de administración Pública) 


Education and Inclusion in Smart Cities Committee 

  • Laura González (Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina) 
  • Cesar Díaz, Ph.D. (OCOX S.A.S.)  
  • Álvaro Gutiérrez (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios) 
  • Julio Lozano (Alcaldía de Bogotá) 

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